Banner Health Nutrition Services
“Dietitians can help you understand the impact a healthy diet plays on your overall health and get back to being a healthier you”
In-Home Diabetes Education
We offer telehealth appointments for Banner Health patients to ensure patients get the help they need even if they are unable to come into the office.
In-Home Nutrition Consultations
“Banner Health’s qualified, friendly home care team includes dietitians who can provide in-home nutritional counseling, education and assistance to patients and their caregivers.”
Ask The Expert: Managing Diabetes
See what a Registered Dietitian has to say about managing diabetes.
“In my opinion, diabetes is not an easy disease to understand, but it’s manageable. The key is to find a healthcare team to have conversations with to help you form an individualized strategy to manage this disease. Every diabetic should be treated on a case-by-case basis since the condition affects people differently.” - Margaret O’Brien is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator at Banner Health
Comprehensive Wound Care
Did you know a Registered Dietitian can help in your wound care treatment? Banner Health offers patients access to wound care - call our office to see how wer can set up a telehealth visit to help the treatement process.
“Some common wounds we treat include: Pressure ulcers , Diabetic ulcers , Ostomy care , Surgical wounds , Wounds caused by infections , Traumatic wounds , Wounds due to circulatory problems , Wounds due to autoimmune disorders”
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