
  • Alma M

    Mr. Hellyer gave my teenage daughter the confidence and comfort to eat a variety of food and lead a happy, healthy, thus stress free eating habit. We were desperate to find a cure for my daughter's "gastro" issues which led us to Mayo Clinic. We received medical answers but my daughter was still hesitant to eat "normally" because of the long term effect of her condition. Mr. Hellyer immediately put my daughter, and her grateful parents, at ease by reinforcing the doctor's diagnoses, but also explaining how food and my daughter's body worked together to help her condition. This touched my daughter profoundly because she is an elite athlete. In the four months that Mr. Hellyer has guided my daughter, she has since gained weight, healthy I might add, and is a happier teenager. My family will be forever grateful for having been introduced to Mr. Hellyer by a godsend of a friend, Cristie H.

  • Lisa R.

    I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up to see a dietitian. After suffering with gastro issues, other health concerns, and binge eating for over a decade I didn't know where to turn anymore. My primary care doctor left me with no answers and frustrated. I tried to do it on my own with diet but never got anywhere. So I decided to reach out and find a dietician. There were none in my area so I found this one in the next city over. I have to say he changed my life forever! He has an unconventional approach custom to suit my needs and my active lifestyle. I was expecting a lecture on the periodic table but that was definitely not the case. If you are struggling and on the fence about making the plunge. It's worth it! You might be surprised!

  • Moses H.

    I dont always use dietitians for weight loss. But when I do, I use T.J. I had a rough experience with a shopping mall weightloss doctor when I arrived here in las vegas where I was prescribed stimulants that made it impossible to sleep and put me squarely in the E.R. with a resting HR of 130. Being a healthcare professional I should have known better but what can I say. I believed the hype of the fast and low effort pitch that nearly killed me.

    Tj helped me develop a unique plan of care that fit my lifestyle and my schedule to help control my weight and push that scale # to where I was hoping to be.

    Plus he is very personable and gives you the straight answers that you need to hear.

  • Robert J.

    I’ve dealt with a litany of GI problems for years and couldn’t get any answers. Not only did I learn a lot from our conversations, but he even went over my labs to help me understand what it all meant. In the end, our game plan worked and I get to feel normal again. Thanks again!!!

  • Terri

    They went far and beyond both the secretary and Dr. Hellyer.

    Dr. Hellyer went into complete detail of what needed to be done with my elderly mother.

    Would highly recommend him and his staff.

    Thank you!

  • Rebekah B

    I live in Vegas but my parents are both back in Texas and both have health issues. I was able to set each one up for a telehealth appointment. They both got so much out of their visits and getting the appointment was hassle free. I wasn't sure if it was something doable because they live in a different state but it worked out and was covered by insurance. Would highly highly recommend.

  • Ruth K.

    Mr. Hellyer has a way of immediately putting his clients at ease. He is a good listener, and is careful to invite questions and then answers them thoroughly and patiently. He also treats clients with respect and never talks down to them. He is encouraging and thoughtful in his comments and observations. It is clear that he enjoys his interactions with his clientele, and has a passion for his chosen profession. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who wants an educated, compassionate partner on their journey to better health and wellness.

  • Meya C

    TJ was truly amazing immediately upon meeting him. Wanted to know about me and find the best solution for me to fix my problem. He was very thorough and went a little deep in information to help me understand exactly how things work and he gave me the simplest solutions. No medication or strict diet. Something that conforms to my life and I’m grateful. So far our plan is working great and I’m feeling great.

  • Julie H

    Amazing Services!!! I’m happy to say, I’m finally on the road to loosing weight the correct way. Thank you for the knowledge and help on this journey of weight loss.