• Provider Search

    View our provider profile on the Molina ‘Online Directory’

  • Nevada Medicaid and Nevada Check Up Provider Directory

    You can find our information listed under the Clark County ‘Dietitian, Registered’ section on page 212.

  • Arrange Transportation For Your Appointment

    Emergency and non-emergency transportation for medical and behavioral health visits are covered through Washington Apple Health and your ProviderOne Services card.

  • Health and Wellness Molina Healthcare offers members several programs and resources to help you take care of your health​ - Diabetes

    “Diabetes is a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood, also known as blood sugar, is higher than normal. Your body turns food into blood glucose. For most people, insulin tells their cells to absorb this glucose and use it for energy. But for people with diabetes, their cells do not produce or respond to insulin, so the glucose stays in the blood. This can cause other health problems if it is not treated……Contact your provider or dietician if you do not have a diet plan.”

  • Health and Wellness Molina Healthcare offers members several programs and resources to help you take care of your health​ -High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

    “High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a very common condition. It can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke if it is not managed.

    Resources - Molina has the following no-cost programs available to members: Weight Management & Nutrition Consultation program.”

    Contact us today to begin your nutrition program

  • Heatlh Education Programs - Weight Management

    As a Molina Member you have access to Health Education Programs including Weight Management.

    “Adults and children can learn about healthy eating, exercise and how to get the support you need to stick with a weight-control program.”

  • Molina My Health – Weight Management Program & Molina My Health – Nutrition Consult Program

    Molina offers a Nutrition Consultation Program to support your nutrition health needs. A Registered Dietitian will work closely with you to: understand your health concerns, work together to develop an individualized plan of care, and provide you with tools and aids to better self-manage your health condition.

    Nutrition consultations may address but are not limited to: unintentional/unexpected weight loss, needing help with high calorie/high protein diet, poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes; gestational diabetes; carbohydrate counting, low sodium/fluid restrictions for heart failure, severe food allergies, kidney disease (except those members on dialysis), Celiac or Crohn’s Disease; Irritable Bowel Syndrome, members on special diets due to certain medications, pediatric obesity (age 2 and older); adult obesity for those members with health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease; candidates for bariatric surgery are excluded

  • Molina Member Services Handbook

    “Molina offers a Nutrition Consultation Program to support your nutrition health needs. A Registered Dietitian will work closely with you to: understand your health concerns, work together with you to develop an individualized plan of care, provide you with tools and aids to better self-manage your health condition”